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Valdes island

BUILDER FOR: Ruxton, Reid, Pylades, Hudson, Scott, Dayman, Tree, Bute, and Dunsmuir Islands

Brad lives on the Gulf Islands and combines his home design and building expertise with his knowledge of the islands. He can help you design and build a custom home or cabin to suit yourIsland lot and personal preferences. Ruxton, Reid, Pylades, Hudson, Scott, Dayman, Tree, Bute, and Dunsmuir Islands are boat access only. Brad's Builder network has experience will this type of property so can assist you to ensure a quality home built for your target budget.

Thetis Associated Islands Building Information:

Ruxton, Reid, Pylades, Hudson, Scott, Dayman, Tree, Bute, and Dunsmuir Islands are in the Cowichan Valley Regional District (CVRD). For information on building a home in the CVRD, see the General Requirements.

Land Use on these islands is managed by Islands Trust. The Island Land Use Bylaw 94 covers the permitted uses for buildings, accessory buildings, siting, setbacks and zoning. A copy of the Bylaw can be found here.

Salt Spring shoreline

Ready to assist you with your Ruxton, Reid, Pylades, Hudson, Scott, Dayman, Tree, Bute, or Dunsmuir Islands project.

To go with the Bylaw are useful land use maps showing zoning:


If you are looking for a lot on one of these islands and would like advice on building feel free to contact Brad.


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